I recently started seeing an issue on machines that been upgraded to Windows 10 where Software center wasn’t loading for users and the device was showing as inactive in the console. I started looking at the logs and noticed that there appeared to be issues with our certificates. In the CcmMessaging log we would see …
Since moving to ConfigMgr 1606 we have been experiencing an issue where some clients with applications advertised to the device would fail to install or show up in software center and software updates weren’t installing (the device would just stay in the unknown client check passed/active state indefinitely). Packages would still work on these clients …
If you are unlucky enough to have Symantec Endpoint Protection in your environment you may run into the same issue we were seeing where applications and software updates would be stuck on “installing” in software center. When left alone they sit there indefinitely, never actually installing anything. Following these through the logs it would show up …